Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Night Before and Thoughts on Causality, part I

Absent something unpleasant event, Lani (daughter) and I will be taking a seat on fully loaded bicycles in about 8 hours for a long bike trip.  Long.   And, unless there is a repeat of the St. Augustine debacle described in the previous post, or if this devolves into a Larsonian slug family vacation disaster

we will be gone for about 3 months, leaving West for California via Death Valley and then on to the Pacific Coast Highway, turning right towards Washington state, another right towards Maine and then back to Gainesville, the Heart of the Gator Nation.

Actually, unless we can average about 90 miles/day, we won't complete the loop.  No matter.

I'm pretty ambivalent about the venture.  Deeply ambivalent.  Anxious...even worse.  I really don't feel up to the challenge either mentally or physically.  If I could be anywhere right now, it would be in the Mammoth Lakes, either snowboarding or preparing to.

Us, and them
And after all were only ordinary men.
Me, and you.
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do.
 © Richard Wright, Roger Waters

So, if you're reading this and sentient, you'd ask "why?"  Yeah...well...GFQ. But, things happen for a reason.  I'll explain, but now I've gotta finish packing and go to bed.


  1. Robert - thanks for starting the blog. Your Rolling Greens neighbor and childhood friend appreciates being able to go with you on the journey, albeit vicariously. I think of you daily while at the gym (iPod music courtesy of you!) and hope you and Lani have a safe, amazing tour. Would love to see you while you are in California. Jenny, of Buttonwood Lane :)

  2. Jenni,

    We'll probably hit the West coast somewhere around San Luis Obispo, depending on the terrain. I haven't looked that far ahead. We plan on entering CA through Death Valley, then circling South around the Sierras before cutting across the state.

